Sunday January 26 | 19:30
The Henry Crown Symphony Hall, Jerusalem Theater
Concert length
Approx. 90 minutes
Single ticket70 NIS
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Hidden Treasures - Gala Concert under the auspices of the Romanian Cultural Institute

Under the auspices of the Romanian Cultural Institute.


Experience the beauty of musical rarities by celebrated Romanian masters, brought to the Israeli audience in a new and vibrant light. The fresh orchestrations of forgotten art songs and other chamber music gems have been meticulously crafted by the innovative conductor and baritone, Ionuț Pascu.

The core of the musical program is a convergence of 2024 anniversaries: celebrating 150 years since the birth of Alfonso Castaldi, the founder of the Romanian composition school, as well as 135 and 132 years since the births of his disciples, Mansi Barberis and Diamandi Gheciu. Additionally, we commemorate 100 years since the birth of Mariana Dumitrescu, the beloved poet of Romanian composers for their art songs. The celebratory evening will feature prominent Romanian voices from the opera world, including the 2024 Young Artist of the Year (International Classical Music Awards), soprano Aida Pascu, soprano Madeleine Pascu and tenor Andrei Manea.



Ionuț Pascu, conductor 
Aida Pascu, soprano
Madeleine Pascu, soprano
Andrei Manea, tenor 


Tudor Dumitrescu – Preludiu (Prelude) 

Alfonso CastaldiBietele mele versuri (My Poor Verses)

Alfonso CastaldiIspitire (Temptation) 

Alfonso CastaldiDeparte (Far Away)

Carmen Petra-BasacopolDuhovnicească (Confession) 

Mansi BarberisBun Rămas (Farewell)

Mansi BarberisItinerar Dacic (Dacian Itinerary): 

   Îndemn (Urging)

   Dealul Olimp (The Hill of Olympus)

   Piatra (The Stone)

   Vârful lui Hulpe (Hulpe’s Peak)

   Fețele Albe (The White Faces)

   Regele Dac (The Dacian King)

   Poiana Omului (The Man’s Glade)

   Întoarcere (Return)

Alfonso CastaldiElegie (Elegy) 

Carmen Petra-BasacopolZorile (Dusk) 

Mansi BarberisTrei cântece (Three Songs):

   Mă voi trezi iar (I Will Awake Again) 

   Aprilie (April) 

   Pastel Afund (Deep Pastel)

Alfonso CastaldiTarantella 

Diamandi Gheciu – Patru cântece (Four Songs):

   Dacă (If)

   Bună Dimineața (Good Morning)

   Clepsidra (The Hourglass)

   La Tine (To You)

Leon KlepperAlai (Wedding Procession)