The Golden Series
Jewish Music Series
From its first day as a broadcast ensemble, the orchestra has maintained a close relationship with the cantorial tradition. The very first musical notes heard over the airwaves, in March 1936, as part of the inaugural broadcast event of the British Mandate's Palestine Broadcast Services, came from the piano of Arieh Sachs, one of the founders of our orchestra, who played the introduction to a song sung by cantor Chaim Vittorio Weinberg.
The Jewish cantorial tradition draws its melodies from the prayers. But at the same time, the tradition also relies on operatic singing. Weinberg completed his studies at the Conservatory of Music in Milan; Yossele Rosenblatt frequented Hamburg's theater and opera and even met the legendary tenor Enrico Caruso. In their performances, leading cantors often include arias and songs from selected operas.
The Jerusalem Symphony is proud to present a cantorial series dedicated to lovers of Jewish religious music.
Jewish Music 1
Sunday 2.10.22
Bein Keseh LeAsor
Rafi Biton, conductor and music director
Kolot Min HaShamayim Choir Ensemble
With singers and cantors
Jewish Music 2
Tuesday 6.12.22
Emunah concert - Jerusalem in Harmony
Chazanut, Classics Broadway and more!
Conductor Ofir Sobol, cantors Avremi Roth, Chaim Stern and Simon Cohen, violinst Nitzan Temerlies, Hallelu Men and Boys' Choir (conductor: Shalom Kinori), The Rinat Jerusalem Men's Choir (conductor: Jason Rosenblatt) in a wonderful concert.
Guest artist: Moishe Ben-Gershon
Arrangements: Raymond Goldstein
M.C Richard Shavei-Tzion & Ido Tauber
Jewish Music 3
Thursday 15.12.22
Music from Sephardic Traditions
Firqat Alnoor Orchestra
Ariel Cohen, conductor
Jewish Music 4
Thursday 2.3.23 | Sherover Hall
Efrat-Rachel Gerlich - Daniel, Musical Play in Two Acts
Eli Jaffe, conductor
Soloists TBA
Choir TBA
How to purchase a subscription?
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Alternately, you can reach us via a multi-line telephone number for your convenience: 1-700-70-4000
Terms of Purchase
- Last season’s seats will be held for renewing subscribers until June 10th, 2023
- Seats will not be reserved for subscribers to the Family Concert Series
- New subscribers will be allocated seats after July 10th, 2023, on a first-come, first-served basis
- The program of the Highlights Series is fixed and the concerts are non exchangeable
- Tickets for the Pupils and Young People (up to 30)/Student Subscriptions are subject to availability
- For further details please contact the box office.